Woking Debates
Woking Debates' next debate is 'Prison: Are There More Effective Ways Of Reducing Crime?' and will be held on Saturday 25th May, 11am - 12.30pm at United Reform Church, White Rose Lane, GU22 7HA.
England and Wales have the highest imprisonment rate in Western Europe. In recent years prisons have become more overcrowded and the turnover of staff has increased, leading to more violence and self-harm amongst prisoners and fewer opportunities for training and rehabilitation. Is it time to find other solutions?
Former prison officer Alex South, author of 'Behind These Doors' will open the discussion.
There will be ample opportunity for everyone to share their views and concerns about this topic.
Entrance is free (donations welcome)
Come for tea/coffee from 10.30am
For further information please contact their chair, Keith on keithsc_2000@yahoo.com
Visit their website
Date: Saturday 25th May 2024