Woking People Of Faith

Diverse Beliefs United Action

Thought for the Week: Environmental Diversity Working Party

On a sunny morning on the 8th October, 6 people , 5 Christians and 1 Baha’i, met on Horsell Common to help environmental diversity, by stopping trees killing off the heather that grows there. We worked in an area that was recommended to us by Horsell Common Preservation Society and cut down small silver birch saplings that were growing among the heather using loppers and by doing this helped Skylarks and Dartford Warblers who need the heather to survive. We cleared a good area and left the saplings by a nearby path so that the HCPS ranger could pick them up later. Doing this was very satisfying and we also got a good workout for free.

John West, member of the Christian faith

Date: Tuesday 29th November 2022


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