We see these buns all year round now. There are many different varieties! In the United Kingdom, the major supermarkets produce variations such as toffee, orange-cranberry, salted caramel, chocolate and apple-cinnamon.
Traditionally, these spicy, fruit buns were eaten on Good Friday to remember the death of Jesus on a wooden cross. The spices were to remind us of the ointments and herbs used to embalm the body, when he was taken down and placed in the grave.
The cross has become a well-known symbol of Christianity. You often see it worn on a chain around people’s necks. Jesus was crucified, which was the most horrific way to die. It might seem more appropriate to call it ‘Black Friday’ or ‘Death Friday’. Christians believe it is ‘Good’. Because Jesus died, God forgives our wrongdoing, and we are freed from the power of sin. It is still a day of sombre contemplation and remembrance.
This time of mourning is broken by the joy of the resurrection on Easter Day, when we greet each other with ‘He is risen from the dead! He is risen indeed!’
Marian Nash, member of the Christian Faith
Date: Monday 29th March 2021