Woking Community
Woking is a lively and diverse community: multi-cultural, multi-ethnic and multi-faith.
Woking People of Faith (WPoF) is a small charity set up over ten years ago. Our purpose is to promote community and religious harmony. In particular, we:
promote knowledge, mutual understanding and respect of the beliefs and practices of different faiths;
advance the education and understanding of different beliefs including an awareness of their distinctive features and their common ground;
promote good relations between people of different faiths;
seek to secure a more prominent role for faith organisations in their communities; and
celebrate the important contribution that religious faith makes to the lives of the local community.
Our members are faith communities in the Woking area. For further information about us, including details of recent and forthcoming activities, please use our website.
We set out below for your information details of those faith communities.

All Saint's, 564 Woodham Lane, Woking GU21 5SH
T: 01483 727835 E: admin@allsaintswoodham.co.uk W: allsaintswoodham.org.uk
All Souls' Church, New Lane, Sutton Green, GU4 7QF
T: 01483 755852 E: admin@stpeterwoking.org W: stpeterwoking.org
Christ Church, Jubilee Square, Woking, GU21 6YG
T: 01483 740897 E: admin@christchurchwoking.org W: ccwoking.org
Church of the Good Shepherd, Coldharbour Road, Pyrford, GU22 8SP
T: 01932 346345 E: admin@wisleywithpyrford.org W: wisleywithpyrford.org
Holy Trinity & St Saviours, Chobham Road, Knaphill, Woking, GU21 2SX
T: 01483 473489 E: welcome@htandstschurch.org W: htandstschurch.org
St Andrew's Church, Goldsworth Park Centre, Denton Way, Woking, GU21 3LG
T: 01483 723879 E: office@standrewsgwp.org W: standrewsgwp.org
St Mary of Bethany, Mount Herman Road, Woking, GU22 7UH
T: 01483 723424 E: office@stmaryofbethany.org.uk W:stmaryofbethany.org.uk
St Mary the Virgin, The Vicarage, Wilson Way, Woking, GU21 4QJ
T: 01483 772134 E: stmaryshorsell@btinternet.com W: stmarys-horsell.org.uk
St John's Church, Church Road, St John's Woking, GU21 7QN
T: 01483 726039 E: office@stjohnswoking.org.uk W: stjohnswoking.org.uk
St John's the Baptist, Camphill Road, West Byfleet, KT14 6EH
T: 01932 342263 E: admin@stjohnswestbyfleet.org.uk W: stjohnswestbyfleet.org.uk
St Mark's Church, Westfield Road, Woking, GU22 9QA
T: 01483 755852 E: admin@stpeterwoking.org W: stpeterwoking.org
St Mary's Church, 124 Church Road, West Byfleet, KT14 7NF
T: 01932 346605 E: churchoffice@stmaryschurchbyfleet.org.uk W: stmaryschurchbyfleet.org.uk
St Michael's Church, Dartmouth Avenue, Sheerwater, GU21 5PH
T: 01932 341694 E: stmichaels.bmo@virginmedia.com W: stmichaelssheerwater.org.uk
St Michael's & All Angels, Church Lane, Pirbright, GU24 0JJ
T: 07495 395 225 E: admin@pirbrightchurch.org.uk W: pirbrightchurch.org.uk
St Nicholas' Church, Church Hill, Pyrford, GU22 8XH
T: 01932 346345 E: admin@wisleywithpyford.org W: wisleywithpyrford.org
St Paul's Church, Oriental Road, Woking, GU22 7BD
T: 01483 772081 E: office@stpaulswoking.org.uk W: stpaulswoking.org.uk
St Peter's Church, Church Street, Old Woking, GU22 9JF
T: 01483 755852 E: admin@stpeterwoking.org W: stpeterwoking.org
Wisley Church, Wisley Lane, Wisley, GU23 6QQ
T: 01932 346345 E: admin@wisleywithpyford.org W: wisleywithpyford.org
Our Lady Help of Christians, Maderia Road, West Byfleet, KT14 6DH
T: 09132 342892 W: ourladyswb.org
St Dunstan's, Shaftesbury Road, Woking, GU22 7DT
T: 01483 760652 E: woking@abdiocese.org.uk W: st-dunstans.org
St Hugh of Lincoln, 95 Victoria Road, Woking, GU21 2AA
T: 01483 472404 E: knaphill@abdiocese.org.uk W: sthughoflincoln.com
Our Lady Help of Christians, Maderia Road, West Byfleet, KT14 6DH
T: 09132 342892 W: ourladyswb.org
St Dunstan's, Shaftesbury Road, Woking, GU22 7DT
T: 01483 760652 E: woking@abdiocese.org.uk W: st-dunstans.org
St Hugh of Lincoln, 95 Victoria Road, Woking, GU21 2AA
T: 01483 472404 E: knaphill@abdiocese.org.uk W: sthughoflincoln.com
Shah Jahan Mosque, 149 Oriental Road, Woking, GU22 7BA
T: 01483 760679 E: office@shahjahanmosque.org.uk W: shahjahanmosque.org.uk
Masjid All Birr, 77 Maybury Road, Woking, GU21 5JH T: 01483 721647
Sheerwater Mosque 31/33 Dartmouth Avenue, Sheerwater, GU21 5PE
Bangladeshi Cultural Association, Tracious Close, Woking, GU21 3AF
T: 07547 291488
Surrey Islamic Centre, Albert Road, Addlestone, KT15 2PX

Al Asr Education & Community Centre, 118 Goldsworth Road, Woking, GU21 6ND T: 01483 837567
For more information about Mosques and Muslims in Surrey, please contact the Surrey Muslim Association. info@surreymuslims.org
There is no Synagogue or Jewish community in Woking. The nearest community is the North West Surrey Synagogue in Weybridge: 01932 855400. The website is nwss.org.uk
Surrey Hindu Cultural Association, Community Centre, Stream Close, West Byfleet, KT14 7LZ
T: 020 3332 2646 E: temple@shca.net W: shca.net
Dhammakaya International Society, 2 Brushfield Way, Knaphill. GU21 2TG
T: 01483 475575 E: dhammakayawoking@gmail.com W: watpradhammakyalondon.co.uk
There is no Baha'i temple in Woking but there is a small Baha'i community.
T: 07965 336965 E: nstricks@yahoo.com