Woking People Of Faith

Diverse Beliefs United Action

Virtual Tour of Shah Jahan Mosque

Virtual Tour of Shah Jahan Mosque

The evening of 8th March was chaired by Kawther Hashmi.  She first introduced the excellent speaker, Muhammad Habib (who invited people to visit when safe to do so), who gave a very interesting and detailed talk on the origins and development of the Shah Jahan Mosque.  Kawther then spoke briefly about International Women's Day and showed the link between the Shah Jahan Mosque and International Women's Day - the Mosque is named after a woman!   Imam Hashmi recited the opening prayer and also an overview of his role as Imam. Over 70 people attended the online event and the Q&A at the end of the presentations opened to the attendees provided some interesting questions.  The Chair of Woking People of Faith, Simon Trick, closed the meeting by thanking all the presenters for their hard work and excellent presentations and the audience for their support and participation.

A link to the tour can be found here  (unfortunately ends at 27 minutes)

Date: Monday 8th March 2021

Location: Zoom

Time: 7pm